Hello! I'm Tiago!
Marketing-educated Life Science specialist with 10+ years of experience in both academia and industry contexts, leveraging expertise in project management, high quality working standards, and problem solving to reach results and bring added value to the projects. Experience includes strong scientific background in the fields of Immunology, Oncology and Dermatology. Goal-oriented, dynamic and team-working traits, a curious mind and fast learning pace, will definitely help me to deliver with the utmost quality, successful outcomes for the future challenges.

Tiago Braga Carlos, PhD
Life Science Specialist & Marketing
Continuous learner
Date of Birth:
June 27th, 1981
Stockholm (SWE), 2020-2021
Integrated in the Immunology and Inflammation unit, I was involved with the task to critically review and analyze clinical trial data of studies in Atopic Dermatitis. Under the scope of the pre-launch of an Atopic Dermatitis product, I had the task of providing medical input regarding several competitors, and integrate that knowledge into future marketing tactics. For that, I conducted Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis bridging data collection and strategic actions. Furthermore, I had the opportunity to orchestrate and moderate the discussion with several internal Pfizer stakeholders, and attend several Internal Medical trainings and commercial meetings
Stockholm(SWE), 2012-2020
Associate Principal Scientist
San Francisco (USA), 01/2011-07/2011
Responsible for the planning, development and execution of several research projects leading to top-quality results in the fields of Oncology and Diabetes. Two of the projects I was directly involved were outlicensed to bigger pharmaceutical companies: PIP4K2 licensed out to Petra Pharma in 2016 for $243M, and STK25 licensed in collaboration with LG Chem Life Sciences, worth a potential total of$230M. Further, I contributed for the development and maintenance of high quality research standards, exemplified by devising operational protocols and designing an electronic-reporting quality system, which contributed for better internal communication and sharing of results. My spell at Sprint Bioscience enabled me to strengthen my team-work and collaborative skills, develop further my communication skills and to understand the importance of incorporating and representing the values of the organization in different contexts.
Elan Pharmaceuticals
My experience at Elan Pharmaceuticals occured under the wing of a professional Exchange program sponsored by the Portuguese government, that selected 500 participants out a 3,500 selection pool. My role at Elan Pharmaceuticals involved the design and implementation scientific protocols according to the goals of the scientific project under the scope of Parkinson's disease research.
I devised and conducted key experiments aiming at characterize
the functional activity of drug candidates using cellular models,
I also hold responsibilities at laboratory managerial level, maintaining and ordering inventory.
Stockholm (SWE), 2019-2021
Master's Degree
Master program in Marketing with a 6-month integrated Internship. It provided me the tools to develop my business acumen, strenghening further my analytical thinking and ability to evaluate marketing configurations, and to critically analyse practices and operations that influence and shape the marketing field. It enabled me to better understand markets, organisations and communities, and get access to current tools and frameworks utilized in the Marketing field.
Uppsala (SWE), 2005-2008
PhD Degree
My PhD thesis entitiled "Unveiling the role of Serglycin Proteoglycans - studies on Serglycing Knock-Out mice" represents the result of a 3 and a half-year effort, where I designed and led independent research studies on a family of proteins involved in the physiological function of Mast Cells, a subtype of immune cells mostly known for their role in Allergy. I directed the full range of laboratory tasks associated with experimental design, study protocols, cell culture, and documentation of research findings regarding the project established goals. It allowed me to develop my oral/visual/written communication skills by presenting my research to both external and internal colleagues, in foreign and domestic scientific conferences. Further, I established collaborations in the scope of the project, which contributed to develop my team-work skills. Also, I managed to show critical thinking and problem solving skills, excellent project management abilities, which contributed to the success of the project, resulting in the publication of 4 peer-reviewed scientific papers.
Porto (POR), 1999-2004
BSc Biochemistry
The program in Biochemistry by Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto provided me the opportunity to develop the basic understanding of the fundamental knwoledge of this discipline, covering subjects like Chemistry, Biophysics, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Human Physiology, Molecular Biology, among others.

Microsoft Word - Proficient
Microsoft Excel - Proficient
Power Point - Proficient
Adobe Photoshop - Proficient
Portuguese - Mother Tongue
English - Advanced
Spanish - Advanced
Swedish - Intermediate
GraphPad Prism - Proficient
Project Management
Possessing strong project management skills that allowed me, for example, to deliver my PhD thesis in under 4 years. I am able to manage projects from beginning to end, identify goals and/or tasks necessary for completion, and also prioritize and act accordingly in case potential problems arise.
I developed strong communication skills in order to organize and communicate ideas/results effectively, in oral presentations for both small and large groups. Further, I am able to write at all levels, being it from brief abstracts, to more logical and complex essays/manuscripts, applying concise and logically-written ideas. Throughout my professional career my visual communication also developed, adapting its complexicity and language according to the target audience and message.
Scientific knowledge
Scientific knowledge expanding from the fields of Immunology and Oncology, where I spent most of my professional career, involved in the research of topics closely related to these fields. I also had short-term incursions in the fields of Neurodegenerative diseases, Arthritis, Neuroregeneration and more recently, Dermatology. Throughout all these, I was able to determine the best approach to the project's questions, find relevant data, design ways to analyse and adapt it to the project's needs, plan and execute experiments, and summarize the findings in peer-reviewed scientific publications.
Time Management
Time management is a skill that I am proud to excel. Whenever there were deadlines to deliver results, reports, or any other type of assignment, I have always successfully managed to deliver. To that end, it helped the fact that I prioritized my tasks in function of the scope and life-cycle of the project. Maintaining a good organization in terms of daily agenda, research materials, laboratory notebook, and personal notes helped me to manage optimally my time.
Project management tools such as Trello (which I use as Project driver at PhD Career Stories podcast) and Microsoft Teams (which I used at Pfizer), further helped to optimize personal organization, which is reflected in better time management.
Analysis and Problem Solving
I consider myself as someone who knows "how to think". I became trained to approach problems sistematically, to connect ideas to produce a novel or a suitable solution, and to evaluate and analyse information to tackle a certain problem.
While conducting my laboratory research in different contexts I was to define the scientific problem and identify possible causes and how to solve it, integrate and incorporate large amounts of information from different sources, and to design experiments that tested potential resolutions.
Adaptability and flexibility
My career path until now proves that I am curious person, able to adapt to different working and project settings. I have worked both in academic and industry contexts, with big and smaller groups, and multicultural and diversified environments. I have always showed willingness to learn, and curiosity to excel in new challenges.
Furthermore, my recent incursion into the Marketing world, that led me to enter a 2-year master program, just proves that I am not afraid to learn new things and I am capable to get out of my comfort zone. I am continuously seeking self-development in different areas, as I believe that it can benefit both myself and my work.
Professional Development

Brand Management - Högskola Gävle (2021)
Strategic Marketing - Högskola Gävle (2020)
Business English I – Karlstad University (2019)
From Science to Business – Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm University (2014)
Clinical Trials in Medicine – Gothenburg University (2019)
Good Clinical Practice Workshop -Karolinska Trial Alliance, Stockholm (2018)
Clinical & Industrial Immunology – Uppsala University (2010)
Preclinical Safety Assessment and Pharmacovigilance - Uppsala University (2020)
Pharmaceutical BioInformatics - Uppsala University (2013)
Clinical and Industrial Immunology - Uppsala University (2010)
Methodology in Molecular Medicine – Uppsala University (2007)
Proteins: Structure & Function – Uppsala University (2006)
Swedish for Foreign Students - level A2 - Linköping University (2019)
SFI - Levels C & D

Hubspot Academy
Social Media Certification - 2021

Scrum Fundamentals - 2021

Fundamentals of Digital Marketing - 2021

Project Management Learning Path - 2021

Advanced Google Analytics - 2021

Ads Search - 2021
Targeting autophagy by small molecule inhibitors of vacuolar protein sorting 34 (Vps34) improves the sensitivity of breast cancer cells to Sunitinib.
Dyczynski M, Yu Y, Otrocka M, Parpal S, Braga T, Henley AB, Zazzi H, Lerner M, Wennerberg K, Viklund J, Martinsson J, Grandér D, De Milito A, Pokrovskaja Tamm K. Cancer Lett. 2018 Oct 28;435:32-43. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2018.07.028. Epub 2018 Jul 25. PMID: 30055290
Age-related enlargement of lymphoid tissue and altered leukocyte composition in serglycin-deficient mice.
Wernersson S, Braga T, Sawesi O, Waern I, Nilsson KE, Pejler G, Abrink M. J Leukoc Biol. 2009 Mar;85(3):401-8. doi: 10.1189/jlb.1008670. Epub 2008 Dec 16. PMID: 19088175
Reduction with dithiothreitol causes serglycin-specific defects in secretory granule integrity of bone marrow derived mast cells.
Braga T, Ringvall M, Tveit H, Abrink M, Pejler G. Mol Immunol. 2009 Jan;46(3):422-8. doi: 10.1016/j.molimm.2008.10.019. Epub 2008 Dec 6. PMID: 19059647
Serglycin proteoglycan is required for secretory granule integrity in mucosal mast cells.
Braga T, Grujic M, Lukinius A, Hellman L, Abrink M, Pejler G. Biochem J. 2007 Apr 1;403(1):49-57. doi: 10.1042/BJ20061257. PMID: 17147513
Serglycin-deficient cytotoxic T lymphocytes display defective secretory granule maturation and granzyme B storage.
Grujic M, Braga T, Lukinius A, Eloranta ML, Knight SD, Pejler G, Abrink M. J Biol Chem. 2005 Sep 30;280(39):33411-8. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M501708200. Epub 2005 Jul 26. PMID: 16046402
Project driver in Marketing and Analytics
Sound Editing and Transcription
Responsible for the designing and implementation of the digital marketing strategy
Assessment of social media analytics
Coordinate actions of the Marketing team
Orchestrate the podcast production workflow and assign tasks
Writing meetings minutes

Venue Manager
Establishing and fostering relationships between the organization and potential event hosts
Managing the communication with event hosts, pre-, during, and after the events

Providing help with assisting refugees and immigrants, with their homework or keep company during their visits.


Dan Henrohn, MD, PhD, MSc Pharm
Sr. Medical Manager, I&I Cluster Lead SWE/FIN at Pfizer
Tiago effectively demonstrated that he is very analytical linked with a strategic scientific mindset (...) Tiago has overall impressed with his great persona and quick understanding of the complex scientific field surrounding the Pfizer product including competitors and the disease he has focused on (atopic dermatitis).

Brigit E. Riley, PhD
Sangamo Therapeutics
“Tiago’s exceptional logical thinking skills, perseverance together with his focus to finish a project will make him an outstanding candidate.”

Gunnar Pejler, Professor
Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology, Infection Biology, Antimicrobial Resistance and Immunology
“Tiago Braga is a highly talented scientist with the potential to develop further. He developed his research in a highly independent manner, showing a talent for mastering new concepts and techniques